Sun 12 Dec
A small flock was observed flying over the Mulwala Road.
Michael Ramsey
Grey-crowned Babbler, Blue Bonnet, Cockatiel, Apostlebird, Plumed Whistling-Duck
Berrigan State Forest
Grey-crowned Babbler: good sized group (8). Blue Bonnet: common, probably breeding some young birds seen (16). Cockatiel: many seen well on a dead tree (12). Apostlebird: common, largest group 10 (27). Plumed Whistling-Duck: by dam on southern side (2).
Michael Ramsey
Plumed Whistling-Duck, Whiskered Tern, Brolga, Black Falcon, Australasian Bittern
Native Dog Swamp Berrigan
Plumed Whistling-Duck: many about, one pair breeding with 8 ducklings . Whiskered Tern: five coming into breeding plumage. Brolga: pair with a juvenile. Black Falcon: pair chasing Galahs and Cockatiels over the woodland to the south. Australasian Bittern: booming briefly a few times.
Michael Ramsey
Curlew Sandpiper, but no Ternlet
Long Reef
Arrived at about 10:40, and walked down to look for the Grey Ternlet. There was no ternlet, but when I did a quick scan of the waders, there was a non-breeding Curlew Sandpiper among the stints. I haven't ever heard of a Curlew Sandpiper at Long Reef before.
( Riki Couglan had one here October 2006 - Moderator)
Joshua Bergmark
Sat 11 Dec
Peregrine, Buff-banded Rail, Tawny Grassbird
Pioneer Dairy wetlands, Tuggerah
Highlights of the Central Coast Group of Birding NSW Christmas break-up to the Pioneer Dairy Wetlands, at Tuggerah include a Buff-banded Rail, a Peregrine Falcon, a number of Tawny Grassbirds & Cisticolas, Swamp Harrier, White-breasted Woodswallows, Bar-shouldered Doves and Intermediate Egret.. 76 species were seen in the morning.
Alan Morris & 42 members of Birding NSW Central Coast Group
Grey Ternlet
Long Reef
Single bird seen on the edge of the platform at sunset. It appeared weary, wary of my presence but without much energy to do much about it. I got a couple quick photos then left it to roost.
Dena Paris
Wedge-tailed Eagle
Bundanoon (Morton National Park)
One bird seen from Mount Carnarvon The individual was soaring above Bundanoon Creek, in windy conditions. My first Wedgie for Bundy.
Lorne Johnson
Fri 10 Dec
White-throated Needletail
Saltwater NP
60-70 White-throated Needletails flew over the NP mid morning, heading north. They were in a very spread out configuration, with usually only 5-6 birds in sight at any time. Their height above me varied - from 40-50m through to well over 100m above me.
Also had small groups of birds fly over me later in the day, at Old Bar.
Alan Stuart
Sooty Owl
Mount Kembla, Wollongong
Following a very pleasant Christmas barbecue, Illawarra Birders went on a spotlighting trip on Mount Kembla led by Terrill Nordstrom. On the dirt road between Cordeaux Road and the Kembla state forest, whilst driving between locations, a distinctive screech was heard and our cars ground to a halt. Right above us in a tall eucalypt was a magnificent Sooty Owl, giving its "chirruping trills" call. It further obliged by stretching its wings giving great views. Amazing!
Illawarra Birders
Thu 9 Dec
Emerald Dove
Harrington rainforest
I heard an Emerald Dove calling in Harrington RF on Thursday afternoon. I plunged into the jungle to try to find it - got cut to ribbons in the fierce vines, and dipped on the bird.
The Spectacled Monarch's nest that I found there a month previously, was still there but not in use. Several Spectacled Monarchs were around though. And a group of 4 Crested Shrike-Tits, two of them with almost no throat patch and presumably juveniles. They were feeding themselves though.
Alan Stuart
White-throated Needletail
About 20 White-throated Needletails seen near Cowan Oval around 5:30pm.
Paul Burcher
Little Bittern (1), Australasian Bittern (2), Intermediate Egret (34)
The Reedbeds, Mathoura
Further to Simon Starr's earlier report from same site, 2 Australasian Bittern and 1 Little Bittern seen between 0615 and 1000. Latter, a male, flew across 20m gap between reedbeds in front and to left of hide (20-30 m away) in full sun. 3 Little and perhaps 1 Australasian Bitterns calling again.
Jim Allen
Wed 8 Dec
Sooty Owl
Wollemi National Park (eastern) near Colo
Heard one 'bomb drop' screech at 4am, during a restless night in my tent. It didn't call again so I didn't get up to look for it... Heaps of Boobooks and one Owlet-nightjar also heard.
Joshua Bergmark
White-winged Black Tern
Mistral Point, Maroubra
1 White-winged Black Tern was the highlight this arvo, I haven't seen one here for years, although December does seem to be the best month for them. 9 Pomarine Jaegers, 1 Short-tailed Shearwater, 30+ Fluttering and 150 Wedge-tailed Shearwaters were also seen.
David Mitford
Tue 7 Dec
Australasian Bittern
Belmore Swamp (near Crescent Head)
I heard an Australasian Bittern making its booming calls from the reeds beside Seale Rd in the heat of the day. I have heard them at the same spot on previous visits. Much less water birds about compared to my vist in March 2009.
Edwin Vella
Paradise Riflebirds, Noisy Pitta, Russet-tailed Thrush, White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike
Dorrigo NP, NSW
Had 2 pairs of Riflebirds along the Wonga Walk at Dorrigo NP (as with my previous visits, quite a reliable place for them). Also had a number of sightings on 6th and 7th December of at least one Noisy Pitta (3 heard calling), several Russet-tailed Thrush (both seen and heard calling), Logrunners, Wompoo Fruit-doves and Emerald Doves heard and saw an adult male Regent Bowerbird feeding in low vine and collecting food on the ground 2 metres in front of me as well as a White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike (light phase bird) flying over the Glade picnic area.
Edwin Vella
Sanderling, Little Tern
Karagi Point, The Entrance
There was a Sanderling today on the ocean beach side of Karagi Pt Sandspit at The Entrance, along with about 140 non-breeding Little Terns and 8 Common Terns. Inside the special fence to protect the Little Tern colony, about 12 pairs are nesting, and 3 nests are located just outside the fence. A Red-capped Plover is also nesting just inside the fence. Pied Oystercatchers and Caspian Terns were seen on the channel side of the Sandspit.
Alan Morris
Mon 6 Dec
Albert's Lyrebird
Nightcap NP, NSW
A pair of Albert's Lyrebirds were seen beside the walk to Protestor Falls seen in the afternoon of the 5th and again on the following morning of the 6th December. I could only manage a few out of focus photos though. A Pale-yellow Robin also had 2 fledglings. Other birds seen here included Logrunners, both Wompoo and Rose-crowned Fruit-doves, Little Shrike-thrush and Spectacled Monarchs. A pair of Comb-crested Jacanas were also on Rocky Creek Dam and I also saw a pair of Richmond Birdwing butterflies in courtship flight just outside the national park.
Edwin Vella
Pacific Baza, Satin Bowerbird, Dollarbird
Mitchell Park, Cattai NP
Male and female Satin Bowerbirds plus bower 30m down the road from main gate and 6m in on LHS. On the flats at the bottom of hill now 5 Dollarbirds. By the Field Centre a single Pacific Baza. Numerous bush birds including Eastern Spinebill, Rufous Whistler, Noisy Friarbird, Brown Cuckoo-Dove, Yellow-faced Honeyeater, White-throated Gerygone, Olive-backed Oriole.
Chris and Jane Gregory
Black-naped Tern
Jerusalem Creek mouth, Bundjalung National Park
The Black-naped Tern, first reported by Bob Moffatt and David Charley, was still present at the mouth of Jerusalem Creek yesterday at low tide between 1445 hrs and 1515 hrs. The whiteness of its plumage made it stand apart from the Crested, Common and Little Terns that were also loafing at the mouth of the Creek. As we approached it flew to the south close to a Common Tern but returned to the spit and landed with the other birds a few minutes later.
Greg Clancy
Sun 5 Dec
Mangrove Honeyeaters
Goodwin Island (opposite Iluka), NSW
Heard a few Mangrove Honeyeaters calling in the mangoves on the northern side of the island but the only access to that part of the island is unfortunately through private property.
Edwin Vella
Wompoo Pigeon
Koppin Yarrat Road, Comboyne
Two Wompoo Pigeon's calling adjacent to the road, a Pacific Baza and Grey Goshawk were highlights on a trip up to Comboyne.
Tim Morris
White Throated Needle Tail
Lyndale Avenue, Port Macquarie
Finally, my first flock of WTNT's for the year, with approximately 100 feeding low down in the morning.
Tim Morris
Black-winged Petrel
At Cook Observatory and Crystal Pool, Norfolk Island
Two pair of Black-winged Petrels seen flying close to the coast at these two spots on Norfolk Is. Margaret Christian reported hearing them a week ago, so they are back to breed. Lots of Sooty Terns; Black Noddies; Grey Ternlets; Masked (Tasman?) Boobies; Long-tailed Cuckoos around; Frigate Birds over Neapean Is., was fortunate to photograph the Slender-billed Silver-eye, got shots of the BWP as well, but can someone tell me how to break down the pixels to put on here?
John and Sue O'Malley
Square-tailed Kite
F3 Freeway Mt Colah
Single bird seen about 5:30pm flying just north of Ku-ring-gai Chase Rd. Probably same as bird seen at Berowra that day.
Paul Burcher
Little Bittern, Australasian Bittern, Intermediate Egret
The Reedbeds, Mathoura
At least 3 Little Bitterns calling and one Australasian Bittern heard mid afternoon. 20 breeding plumage Intermediate Egrets and lots of Night Herons carrying sticks at Picnic Point.
simon starr
Powerful Owl
Bonnie Vale Camping Ground, Royal National Park, Bundeena
One individual heard calling during the night.
Deryk Engel
Grey-crowned Babbler, Australasian Bittern, Brolga
Native Dog Swamp Berrigan (South)
Grey-crowned Babbler: a group just across the road. Australasian Bittern: (1). Brolga: 2 adults 1 imm (3).
Matthew Vinicombe
Tawny Frogmouth family
Nimmitta, Cranebrook (Private property)
I discovered the resident pair of Tawny Frogmouths roosting quite low yesterday, including two recently fledged young. Certainly a nice find.
Ákos Lumnitzer
Satin Flycatcher
Bowral (Mt Gibraltar quarry area)
In the early evening, I found both a male Satin and Leaden Flycatchers, as well as a Rufous Fantail, in the eucalypt woodland near the base of the quarry. In addition either a female Satin or Leaden was on the nest (too high up in gums to clearly tell). Satin Flycatchers aren't easy to see in the Highlands - this was my first ever. Access to this area is off Ellen St - follow signs to quarry. This sighting was not part of any Southern Highboca/SHB activity.
Lorne Johnson
Bridled Tern
Flat Rock, Ballina
Single Bridled Tern observed resting on Flat Rock late this afternoon, along with a couple hundred Crested & about 70 Common Terns. Also 2 Wandering Tattler & the other regular waders, except no Sharpies around at the moment. (Moderator's Note: Subject to NSWORAC Review, if confrmed this would be the 4th NSW Record, last record 18/12/09 at Flat Rock, Balina, the first two records were on Wollongong pelagics 27/11/94 & 28/11/09. AKM)
Steven McBride
Wonga Pigeon, Brush Turkey, Variegated Fairy-Wrens, Brown Goshawk
Warriewood Wetlands
A good morning at Warriewood today. Irrawong Reserve - 1 Wonga Pigeon heard throught the 2 hours, and seen briefly once as well as a Brush Turkey near the waterfall. Warriewood Wetlands - A pair of Variegated Fairy-wrens nesting on the boardwalk and a Brown Goshawk flying over.
Joshua Bergmark
Square-tailed Kite
A singe bird was seen flying low over vegetation near intersection of Rawson and Crowley Roads. Lived here for over 2 years now and this is the first time I have seen this species here.
Carl Corden
Sat 4 Dec
Red-chested Button-quail, White-browed Treecreeper & Hall's Babbler
47 km N of Fords Bridge on Warrego River, far North West NSW
During a day on a private property 47 kms north of Fords Bridge (which is north-west of Bourke) and the property is located on the banks of the Warrego River, the highlights were 1 Red-chested button-quail, a White-browed Treeceeper, 4 Hall's Babblers and 5 Pied Honeyeaters. Rain stopped further birding!!
Graeme Catt per Alan Morris
Beach Stone-curlew, King Quail
South Ballina, NSW
Saw a banded Beach Stone-curlew (see photo) beside the mangroves in the western end of Mobbs Bay. It was very curious of me (or my camera lens) and came very close to me. It did not even care about a fisherman standing only a metres from it. Also seen along this road was a pair of Varied Trillers, an Osprey and its nest and heard 2 King Quails calling in a paddock.
Edwin Vella
White-eared Monarchs, Rose-crowned Fruit-doves, Rufous Shrike-thrush
Iluka Nature Reserve
Saw 3 White-eared Monarch easily at the usual spot on the northern end of the main trail and beside the road to Iluka Bluff. A number of Rose-crowned Fruit-doves, Rufous Shrike-thrush, Spectacled Monarchs and Varied Trillers were amongst many other nice birds seen at Iluka over 3 days.
Edwin Vella
Purple-crowned Lorikeet
Island Sanctuary (southern end), Deniliquin
Two birds observed in River Red Gum trees beside the Edward River. (Moderator's note: This is a very significant sighting as the site is well into NSW and not just along the Victorian border. Compliments other recent sightings at the nearby Deniliquin Regional Park on 4/11/10 AKM)
David Parker
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Cranebrook, NSW
One of our WIRES members (Greg) took in a young Blue-faced Honeyeater that was found at the boundary of the Air Services Australia site in Cranebrook. It appears that there was an active nest in the vicinity of the school along Vincent Rd here.
Ákos Lumnitzer per Greg Keightley
Fri 3 Dec
Pacific Baza
Bangalee Nature Reserve, Shoalhaven River, Nowra
Two birds, one of which was probably a juvenile.
Were there for the 2 hours that we were there & may have been the same two raptors we didn't get a good look at a week or so before.
Ann Millard
Sat 27 Nov
Black-naped Tern
Jerusalem Creek - Bundjalung NP
This bird has been at/near this site for nearly a month - first sighted 2nd November. On advice from land manager sighting originally not disclosed due to potential for extra visitation to disturb nesting shorebirds. The bird has been sighted at the mouth of the Jerusalem Creek in central Bundjalung NP. It is a approx 4km walk from the Black Rocks camping area, either along a track by the creek or at low tide along the beach - best not to do it on an incoming high tide. A word of warning -- the area to the north (signposted) is in a Bombing Range which is managed by the Dept Defence and the personnel there do not take kindly to intruders disobeying their signs!!
Bob Moffatt & David Charley