I think with this discussion what is being reported is remoteness rather
than elusiveness (though probably Black Grasswrens are at the top of both
I think the most elusive birds which are found relatively near to where
large numbers of birdwatchers live are: Lewin's Rail, Little Bittern,
Bush-hen and Rufous Scrub-bird.
John Leonard
On , Dave Torr <> wrote:
Not disagreeing (although my list would be slightly different as I have
4,7,8 and 10 but not Rufous Scrubbird or Spotted Whistling-duck) but
1, 8 and 10 are not yet recognised as full species. Or have I missed
On 15 August 2010 03:02, Justin Jansen > wrote:
> Only counting resident species :
> 1. Western Ground Parrot
> 2. Buff-breasted Button-quail
> 3. Scarlet-chested Parrot
> 4. Grey Falcon
> 5. Princess Parrot
> 6. White-throated Grasswren
> 7. Black Grasswren
> 8. Northern Shrike-tit
> 9. Mallee Whipbird
> 10. Australasian Painted Snipe
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