Hi Birders
I was finally fortunate enough to observe my first Australian Owlet
Nightjar at Mitchell Park on Thursday evening. I have been visiting here
for months (around once every week) and have heard them on my last dozen
outings but could never find the specimens. Last visit prior on the 22nd
of March I had heard at least five of them once I used call playback. They
were very quick to respond. Anyway, here are a couple of images of an
adult I came across as I was searching for an Eastern Banjo Frog that I
photographed in the same patch two weeks earlier and the week before that.
The bird was sitting no more than 30cm from the ground, probably hunting
insects. See pictures below if you wish.
And the very next day I observed one in Castlereagh Nature Reserve in
exactly in the same hollow where I photographed a Southern Boobook exactly
one year earlier on Good Friday 2009.
I suppose this is the best forum to report this very common bird, as other
places would turn their noses up! LOL!!! Needless to say that Azure
Kingfishers and Crested Shrike-tits at Longneck Lagoon are really rare
sightings. :)
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