Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 28 Mar 2010.
Sun 28 Mar Orange-bellied Parrot Western Treatment Plant, Victoria
1 adult (probable female) with metal band on left leg but unable to
detect colour bands. Observed in the 270 S Borrow Pit at 3.30pm and kept
under observation to 4.10pm. For most of the time it sat on top of a
young Malaleuca lanceolata, where we were able to photograph it. Other
good species in our total of 94 species from 11am were Brolga (3), 11
raptors (best were Peregrine attacking a Hobby, White-bellied Sea-Eagle,
Brown Goshawk & Collared Sparrowhawk), 6 species of Tern (Crested,
Little, Fairy, Common, Whiskered & White-winged Black, some in full
breeding plumage), Double-banded Plover (30+), Bar-tailed Godwit (42),
Black-tailed Godwit (5), Red Knot (3), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (20),
Curlew Sandpiper (6) & Red-necked Stint (approx 1,000). Also Glossy Ibis
(1) and all 3 species of Grebe (Australasian, which were once very hard
to find at the WTP, now seem to be increasing in numbers due to improved
water quality).
John Barkla, Fred Smith & Alison Street
Swift Parrot Emily St Point Lonsdale VIC, Victoria
A flock of approx. 20 swift parrots are moving around the area feeding
on the gums which are flowering at this moment. This is the first time
that I have seen Swift Parrots in Point Lonsdale
Rod Corinaldi
Sat 27 Mar White-bellied Storm-petrel, Streaked Shearwater, Tahiti
Petrel, Brown and Red-footed Boobies Pelagic off Port Stephens, New
South Wales
Fantastic day off Port Stephens, with a clear highlight difficult to
judge. Singles of White-bellied Storm-petrel, Tahiti Petrel and
Providence (Solander's) Petrel plus both Brown and Red-footed Boobies. 2
Streaked Shearwaters behind the boat at the same time.
Mick Roderick and 13 others
Thu 25 Mar White-headed Pigeon Ferntree Gully, Victoria
Sighted 25, 26 & 27 March 2010 on private land.
Barbara Oehring
Tue 23 Mar Brown Booby Bastion Point, Mallacoota, Victoria
An immature Brown Booby flying amongst Gannets late this afternoon
100-200m offshore. Almost uniformly mid-brown above, cream-sandy central
part of underwing and light brown underbelly. Not closely associating
with the gannets and seeming a little uncomfortable flying low over the
waves while the gannets wheeled high above and dived regularly after
Dale Tonkinson
Thu 18 Mar Rufous Scrub-Bird Cottan Bimbang NP. Knodingbul Rd. off
Oxley H'way, New South Wales
One male calling in dense undergrowth. Positive ID on call after
watching a RSB calling in Werrikimbe NP for 20 minutes 2 days before. Is
this a new location for RSB ? (Moderator's Note: Possibly a new site,
they are known from Brushy Mountain, to the north-east of this site.AKM)
GPS co-ords: available on request.
June Harris
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