In "Fauna of Kakadu and the Top End" I used the terms "poo" and "scat"
because I wanted to produce a book that would appeal to both visiting
scientists (like many of my clients) and lay people.
That, by the way, is why I also included humour. Used as a text by the
University of NSW summer school it is the only fauna book I know that
compares a goanna's hemipene to the tickler condoms one can buy in a sex
Denise Lawungkurr Goodfellow
PO Box 3460 NT 0832, AUSTRALIA
Ph. 61 08 89 328306
Mobile: 04 386 50 835
Birdwatching and Indigenous tourism consultant
PhD Candidate
Research survey:
For American birders -
For UK and other birders
For copies of Birds of Australia¹s Top End or Quiet Snake Dreaming, visit
on 14/3/10 3:34 PM, Ian Martin at wrote:
> Hi Syd,
>> From Websters - 3rd meaning for "Poop"
> ---------------------
> poop3
> Slang
> n.
> [prob. < vulgar poop, to break wind, defecate, feces (< ME puopen: see
> POOP2)]
> 1. excrement; feces
> 2. the pertinent facts, esp. current inside information
> vi.
> to defecate
> ---------------------
> ie definitely slang and not scientific ... even in the US :-0
> Regards
> Ian