Hi All, As you may be aware from previous posts requesting records of Hall's
Babbler sightings, I am studying this species for my PhD. I'd like once more to
put out a query to the birding community about this species - in particular
records of the species in NSW. A single record was submitted to the BA Atlas
from Mt Hope Road next to Yathong and Nombinnie Nature Reserves (32.85667S,
145.92444E). This is the southerly most record for Hall's Babbler (although it
was not accepted by the Birds Australia atlas). The record is isolated from all
other records of Hall's Babbler, the nearest records being in the vicinity of
Cobar (further to the north (<150km to the West and WSW of Cobar). These Cobar
records are also isolated from other records. However, the records from
Mutawintji National Park, which have been confirmed as Hall's Babbler, are
similarly isolated.
So I'm very interested in hearing from anyone with any experience of Hall's
Babblers in this area of NSW? If so, I'd love to hear from you!
Lastly, if you've been to Forest Den NP and seen Hall's Babblers I'd
appreciate hearing from you also - there are a couple of isolated records there
also (and similarly in the Simpson Desert).
Cheers,Dean Portelli
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental SciencesUniversity of New South
WalesSydney NSW 2052(02) 9385 8272
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