Any fisherman would know that's how you get pippies! (small mussells)
ONe of the most fun things to do as a kid was wriggling your feet in
the sand getting deeper up to your ankles and feeling for pippies
under your toes. Good bait.
Apologies if this now makes me a hunting murderer :)
On 27/01/2010, at 8:48 AM, Shirley Cook wrote:
Dear all,
The questions asked on this forum often send me to check in HANZAB, a
most wonderful resource. I've seen gulls behaving like this but not
wondered about what they were doing, just guessing that it had
something to do with food gathering.
Turning to HANZAB, tells me that Silver Gulls will eat just about
anything they can get their beaks on!
About the foot work it says: "Foot-trembling in soft substrates to
bring food to surface" then further - "foot paddling while floating,
use feet to bring food to just below surface, then seize prey." So
the beach foot-trembling would be to capture small crustaceans, I guess.
Shirley Cook
Birds Australia (Northern NSW)