*Birds Australia, Victoria Portland Pelagic Trip - 13 December 2009*
*Participants: *George Appleby, John Barkla, Stuart Dashper, Brian
Johnston, Rosemary Lester, Gary Oliver, Glen White, Chris Lester (organiser)
Activity*:* Departed Portland harbour jetty at 07.05, passing between
Lawrence Rocks and Point Danger before heading south west to the shelf.
Travelling at 15 knots was quite rough heading into the swell and after
an hour and a half we slowed to 10 knots. At 09.45, we reached the
first berley point on the west of the Horseshoe (38 42.46 E, 141 19.02 S
at a depth of about 500 m). The wind was S/SW at about 15 knots with a
swell of 2-3 metres and seas of 1 metre. Berleyed here till 11.40
before moving out into deeper water (1000m) for a second drift and
berley session (38 45.76 E, 141 18.87 S) between 12.10 and 13.30. Moving
north back into shallow water (about 400 m), we berleyed at one final
location (38 45.09 E, 141 23.44 S) between 14.00 and 15.10 before
heading back in at 1505. The conditions had improved significantly with
the S wind now at knots with a swell of 1-2 metres and very small seas.
Cruised down the eastern side of Lawrence Rocks observing the thousands
of gannets and other wildlife ashore here before running back to the
harbour, arriving at 17.00.
Conditions/Activity*:* Initially quite overcast but later quite bright
and sunny. The conditions made for an initial tough time, especially
travelling out to the shelf break. It was quite pleasant returning to
Lawrence Rocks. There was surprisingly little bird activity all day
with a rather low count of 18 species of bird recorded beyond the
harbour breakwater (excluding Lawrence Rocks) despite a significant blow
just before our outing. Highlights for the day were the WHITE-HEADED
PETRELS, that presented regularly at the first two stops, and a very
late White-fronted Tern. Otherwise, quiet with few birds showing
interest in the berley.
*Mammals: *
Australian Fur Seal. About 20 at Lawrence Rocks and one in Portland
Wilson's Storm-Petrel: 10 (3). All pelagic.
White-faced Storm-Petrel: 5 (2). All pelagic.
Wandering Albatross: 2 (1). One each at the first two of the stops. One
distant adult and one close juvenile.
Black-browed Albatross: 1. One distant one at the first berley point.
Shy Albatross : 20 (3 ). All pelagic. All cauta adults.
Yellow-nosed Albatross: 3 (1). All pelagic. All sub-adults.
Fairy Prion: 6 (2). At second and third stops.
White-chinned Petrel: 15 (4) At each stop.
Flesh-footed Shearwater: 100 (20). Small numbers at each stop.
Sooty Shearwater: 2 (1). Singles flew by at the first two berley stops.
Short-tailed Shearwaters: 100 (30). All inshore on the way to the shelf
(Possible Streaked Shearwater: 1. Seen briefly by two observers in among
the Short-tailed Shearwaters on the way in but a definitive viewing was
not forthcoming.)
Fluttering Shearwater: 1. Inshore waters in the am.
WHITE-HEADED PETREL: 6 (2). At least one at the first stop and three
separate birds (identified by photos later) at the second stop. Came and
went throughout each of these stops, often approaching quite close to
the boat.
Great-winged Petrel: 30 (10). Mostly gouldi (many in heavy primary
moult) with 1 or 2 macroptera. All pelagic.
Australasian Gannet: 60 (20). Inshore and pelagic plus 1,000's at
Lawrence Rocks.
Black-faced Cormorant: 40 ashore at Lawrence Rocks with a few flying
between there and Point Danger on the way in and 30 in Portland Harbour
roosting on a very lucky boat in the am and pm.
Arctic Jaeger: 1. One flew by in pelagic waters.
White-fronted Tern 1. Fairly tatty looking individual. Pelagic.
Surprisingly late bird.
Crested Tern: 5 (1). Inshore and pelagic plus 10 at Lawrence Rocks in
the pm.
Kelp Gull: 2 on Lawrence Rocks in the pm.
Silver Gull: 10 on Lawrence Rocks in the pm.
*2010 Bookings: * Booking are now being accepted for 2010 - see my
Birding-Aus "ad" on 4 December. Please note that, as we are still
trialling our two new Portland boats, trips will only be arranged two or
three months in advance (and not for the whole year, as we did
previously). E-mails nominating your desired trips and availability to
me at this address (<>) are welcome.
Chris Lester
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