Should have "replied all" when I sent this to Bert (who'd father I spent a
cold but fun day birding with yesterday, Bert also turned up late after a
long flight back from Oz)
"Bert, it's hard without having any sense of size, but the proportions of
the bird - the big head relative to body - suggest boobook, not barking.
Also, the mask is pretty complete, unlike barking where the mask is broken
On another note, I've seen boobook of that color in North Queensland, a fair
way from this one's home I'll admit.
Andrew Haffenden
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg & Val Clancy
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 8:01 PM
To: Bert Harris;
Cc: Martin Breed; ;
; Stephen Debus
Subject: Mystery owl at Gluepot
Hi Bert,
I am confident that the owl is a Southern Boobook but it is very unusually
coloured. Were both birds similarly coloured? The white 'eyebrows' are a
Boobook character. Barking Owls tend to appear to be staring with large
yellow eyes. They also have yellow feet. The colour of the eyes and feet
are not clear in your photos but do not appear to be yellow. The general
shape is also boobook.