I don't reckon you'd want to let too many people on this list near your pet
2009/10/30 Terry Bishop <>
> If anybody in Sydney area has the facilities or knows somebody who has the
> facilities for this request please contact Lee at the email below.
> Thanks
> Terry
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Dear all,
> Currently we are experiencing an influx of stray birds in Sydney, NSW that
> we are unable to locate the owners for. Some of them are tame and some of
> them are aviary birds (i.e not able to be handled much or at all). The type
> of birds range from canaries and cockatiels to Alexandrines & Indian
> Ringnecks. Some have been in care for months and others for just a few
> weeks
> or days, but so far no owners have been located. A lot of these birds are
> in
> temporary care locations such as vets, wildlife carers or with the finder
> of
> the bird, but cannot stay here for long. If you have birds of your own, you
> need to consider if you have the space to quarantine a new bird for at
> least
> 6 weeks in a completely separate area of your home. If anyone can offer
> assistance with either offering a forever home or to be a foster carer,
> please let us know by email with the following details:
> 1. Your name
> 2. Contact phone numbers
> 3. Address
> 4. Email address:
> 5. Type or breed of birds you are interested in
> 6. If you have any other birds at home already
> 7. Whether you can offer a temporary home or are interested in adopting a
> bird
> 8. Best time of day to contact you
> Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.
> kind regards,
> Lee
> Pet Search
> Lost a pet? Found a stray animal?
> Phone 1300 309 004
> We are reuniting lost pets with their families Australia wide!
> http://www.petsearch.com.au
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