G'day Tim(s),
Another year, another Twitchathon hey. Indeed, good luck to all on the birding
front and here's to some productive fundraising drives.
We have had a bit more success with our media efforts here in the Hunter (where
"Twitchathon" is a household word these days), with ABC local radio inviting me
to do a pre-twitch interview, as well as a post-twitch wrap-up on Tuesday -
they initially asked me to do Monday morning...are they serious!?!? A cake
drive or two at the office never goes astray either.
2/3 of the Hunter Home Brewers sought 'good oil' today (we're one man down this
year after one team member embarked on an 'emergency surfing trip' to SE Asia).
Things are looking pretty good in the Hunter.
So good in fact, that we have decided to be true to our name (all of it this
time!) and stick to the local patch. Our aim is to be the first team ever to
notch up 220 species all within the catchment of a single major river (no
prizes for guessing which river). To do so we will need to nail all of those
typically western birds that have spilt over the big hill this year (eg Native
Hens, Masked Woodswallows, Black Honeyeater etc) whilst picking up the vast
majority of the regular migrants and residents. I guess that's the idea!
We'll see how we go.
Mick Brewer
From: Tim Dolby <>
To: Tim Hosking <>;
Sent: Thu, 29 October, 2009 1:43:14 PM
Subject: RE: [Birding-Aus] Good luck to all the NSW Twitchathon teams
Yes, likewise, good luck with the NSW Twitchathon.
In Victoria we race next weekend (7/8 November), although due to family
circumstances we have at least one team racing this weekend (good luck). It
also seems that in terms of participation we'll have our most successful race
ever, with at least 10 teams (maybe more) participating in the 24hr race. All
good for raising sponsorship for ornithological conservation and research.
Bird-wise it should be a really interesting year, with so many fascinating
species turning up in coastal areas. In Victoria for example we've had birds
such as Scarlet Honeyeater, White-throated Gerygone, Black-eared Cuckoo,
Red-backed Kingfisher and Rufous Songlark turning up in areas they've never
before been recorded.
Tim Dolby
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Tim Hosking
Sent: Thu 10/29/2009 1:13 PM
Subject: [Birding-Aus] Good luck to all the NSW Twitchathon teams
Hi All,
Just wishing all the birding-luck to those participating in the NSW Twitchathon
this weekend.
While my team is strictly a 'local' champagne team and therefore not a
contender for winning many of the awards, we had a great time last year and are
looking forward to another good run this year.
Unfortunately the local newspaper ignored my requests for coverage, but we'll
keep working on them...
Tim Hosking, Dubbo 'Wobbly Boot Western Warblers'
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