Hi All
The Lord Howe Island Board are planning to eradicate rodents (Black Rat and
Mice) from Lord Howe Island using aerial baiting of brodifacoum in non settled
parts of the island and hand broadcast & bait stations in settled areas. The
proposal draws heavily on experience gained in more than 300 successful rodent
eradications around the world. An eradication plan has been developed by the
Lord Howe Island Board in partnership with scientists from the NSW Department
of Environment and Climate Change experienced in the eradication of rodents
from islands. The plan details why, when and how an eradication would be
conducted and how the risks to non-targets will be mitigated. The plan has been
peer reviewed by experts in several highly reputable international agencies,
and will shortly go on public display.
Both rats and mice have had, and continue to have, significant adverse impacts
on the biodiversity of LHI. Rats are implicated in the extinction of at least
five endemic bird taxa (species or subspecies), and at least 11 species of
endemic invertebrates. Rats are recognised as an ongoing threat to at least 13
bird species, two reptiles, 49 flowering plants, 12 vegetation communities, and
numerous threatened invertebrates, many of which are endemic to LHI. Predation
by ship rats on LHI is listed as a Key Threatening Process under both New South
Wales (NSW) state and Australian Government legislation. Consequently, the
environmental benefits of eradication to Lord Howe Island are significant.
Eradication of rodents will facilitate the natural re-establishment of Kermadec
Petrel and White bellied Storm Petrel on the main island and will make it
possible to contemplate the re-introduction of ecologically equivalent
subspecies of several extinct species (eg Grey Fantail, Island Gerygone and Red
fronted Parakeet). The reduced rodent impacts on invertebrates, seeds and
seedlings will also increase food availability for birds on the island and
improve the natural regeneration of bushland.
While the benefits of eradication are great, examining the potential impacts of
toxic baits on non-target species is also an important component of eradication
planning. Both the endemic woodhen and currawong have been identified as being
at risk from primary and secondary poisoning during such an operation. To
mitigate this risk birds from both species will be held in captivity, on the
island, during the eradication and until there is no further risk posed by the
toxin. All captive husbandry will be managed by experienced aviculturists, and
captive trials will be held in advance of the eradication to finalise captive
management protocols.
Prior to an eradication being conducted on the island, or birds being held in
captivity for risk mitigation, approvals will be required in terms of both NSW
and Australian government environmental legislation.
Should you have any questions regarding this proposal you can contact Hank
Bower or Ian Wilkinson on contact details below.
Hank Bower
Acting Manager Environment/World Heritage
Lord Howe Island Board
PO Box 5 Lord Howe Island
NSW 2898
ph: 02 6563 2066
fax: 02 6563 2127
email: <>
Dr Ian Wilkinson
Project Officer" lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication
Threatened Fauna Ecology
Department of Environment and Climate Change
Locked Bag 914
NSW 2450
Tel: 02-66598271
Fax: 02-66516187
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