Last Easter I was leaving Bowra/Cunnamulla to try to find Grey Grasswrens where
the Cooper crosses the Thargomindah-Innaminka road. We dropped in at the
Cunnamulla Tourist Info. place to try to get a phone # for the Noccundra pub,
where we intended to overnight. Our travelling companion was telling the
Tourism lady that we were going on past Noccundra to try to find the GGW, to
which she replied"Oh I've seen them across the road from the pub, so try there
first". Now that's what I call "Tourist Information"
When we got there in the late afternoon, we tried but failed. However the
following morning two of us got brief but clear views of 2 birds.
I was back at the same place over the weekend, and I had another sighting..
this time a single bird in the late afternoon.
However, as in April, dipped on Grey Falcons during 2 days driving in the area
... can't win 'em all
Mick Brasher
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