
FW: Urgent - NSW Bill

To: Penny Brockman <>
Subject: FW: Urgent - NSW Bill
From: Alan McBride <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 19:15:24 +1000
Hi Penny,

Am I missing this: isn't it the one below that says .... 

Though I have to confess to being curious what the "www." is in
there????? Suspect it shouldn't be there but happy to be corrected??

On that note you can submit direct from their web page at:

I did:-)


Alan McBride, MBO.

Photojournalist | Traveller |  Writer | Birding Guide +
Member: International Travel Writers & Photographers Alliance
                        American Writers & Artists Inc.

Good planets are hard to find; until we do, please, be green and read from the screen
Tel:                    + 61 419 414 860
Fax:            + 61 2 9973 2306
Skype:             mcbird101

P O Box 190 | Newport Beach | NSW 2106 | Australia

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On 21/06/2009, at 19:15 , Penny Brockman wrote:

Had somebody got the email address for Nathan Rees???? Or any other
NSW Labor government ministers. I only have addresses and it would be nice to deluge their emails with protests.

>From Coalition Against Duck Shooting regarding Shooters Party Bill to be
voted on in NSW next week.

Paul Dodd
Docklands, Victoria


From: Coalition Against Duck Shooting 
] Sent: Saturday, 20 June 2009 9:47 PM
Subject: Urgent - NSW Bill

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Dear Paul

The NSW Upper House Bill has not yet been voted on (see below), but is
likely to be on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. So if you haven't
yet sent
an email, please do so now. This is vitally important as there is a good
chance it may get up.


Lynn & Laurie (0418 392 826)

It is imperative that we stop a push by the Shooters’ Party to re- introduce
the recreational shooting of native waterbirds into NSW, which was the
second state to ban the activity in 1995.  It was banned in WA in
1990 and
in Queensland in 2005.
A Game and Feral Animal Control Amendment Bill was introduced into
the NSW
Upper House by Shooters Party MP, Robert Brown, last week.  If passed,
it would open the state's national parks and reserves to recreational
The Bill could be voted on, in NSW Parliament, as early as tomorrow
(Thursday 18 June).
PLEASE ACT NOW and email a line to the NSW Premier, Nathan Rees, and the
Minister for Climate Change and the Environment, Carmel Tebbutt


asking that native waterbirds continue to be fully protected in NSW, as they
have been since 1995.

Thank you.
Lynn and Laurie


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