Easy peasy. Use a standard size scope, ie 77-80 mm diam and ca 220mm
long - and get a bigger shoulder bag. I even get my Manfrotto tripod
in my suitcase.
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Gregory Little
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 8:58 PM
Subject: small scope
Gooday birders
Have had quite a few replies re the RFI on small scopes. It appears so
far that there is only a few inches difference in length and not much
difference in diameter between a small scope and a standard 60-65mm
scope with straight eyepiece. One of the small scopes recommended was
light and only about 200mm long but is 100mm in diameter. A Leica 65mm
scope body is only 277mm long and a 108mm high. Am not sure what we
expected but I suppose that we were looking for a quality robust scope
with about 40mm objective lens, with the overall diameter not much
bigger, about 20-25x power and only about 20-25cm long, with the
eyepiece, and able to be attached to a tripod if necessary. While it may
not have the greatest light gathering ability or the best minimum focus
etc I thought this might be a compromise for portability. It appears the
diameter is the important factor for portability although we would not
want one that weighed a ton neither. Any more thoughts?
Greg Little
Greg Little - Principal Consultant
General Flora and Fauna
PO Box 526
Wallsend, NSW, 2287, Australia
Ph 02 49 556609
Fx 02 49 556671
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