I asked about this a week ago??
I back doored through
Steve Potter
Blackwood, South Australia
Subject: Re: Archive view problem
From: Russell Woodford <rdwoodford AT aanet.com.au>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 21:29:41 +1000
Hi everyone
Thanks to Paul Johnstone for alerting me to the fact that the main
archive seems to be on Easter break still - there are no messages
archived since 9th April. It's likely that Andrew Taylor, who runs
the archive, is on leave - I'm sure it will be fixed within a day or
In the meantime, if you want to search more recent messages, go to our
Google Group - I've been feeding messages to this mirror for a couple
of years for times like this, when the main archive is down, or for
another access point.
Please note that you can READ messages on our Google Group, but you
can't SEND messages. The only way to send mail to Birding-Aus is
through the normal address birding-aus AT vicnet.net.au
Apologies for delays in messages at the moment - the other moderators
won't have internet access most days over the next week or two, so
you'll have to wait for me to forward anything that bounces, etc.
Thanks for your patience
Russell Woodford
Birding-Aus List Owner
russell AT birding-aus.org
Geelong Victoria Australia
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