Good autumn birding in the hills at the moment. Seasonal arrivals
include Gang Gang Cockatoos (pair in the garden last week), small
numbers of White-naped Honeyeater, and an influx of Cattle Egret, while
the 3 species of lorikeet evident the last few weeks now appear to have
gone bar a few Rainbows. Mill Road was very birdy early on Apr 11
between 730 and 9 - highlights including family parties of Yellow-tailed
Black Cockatoo and Little Corella,Wedge-tailed Eagle, Rufous and Golden
Whistlers feeding together, White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike, many Satin
Bowerbirds, a female Leaden Flycatcher, a pair of Large-billed
Scrubwren along with Yellow-throated and White-browed, and plenty of
pigeons including Common Bronzewing, Wonga, Brown Cuckoo-dove, and a
single White-headed Pigeon feeding on roadside still green privet fruit.
Eric Finley
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