Hi all,
I would just like to remind everyone that this month the Birds Australia public
lecture (Thursday April 2nd 8.00pm - 9.30pm) will feature Dr Les Christidis. He
will be speaking about the Taxonomy of Australian Birds and where it is heading.
Please note that we have changed the venue for this months lecture: instead of
our usual venue at the BA National Office, it will be held at the Agar Lecture
Theatre, Zoology Department at the University of Melbourne.
The Zoology Department (building 147) is best accessed through gate 13 on Royal
Parade. The Zoology building is located directly behind the Grainger Museum
(Building 140), which is currently undergoing renovation. The lecture theatre
is on the ground floor and will be signposted from Royal Pde. A map of the
university can be see at http://www.pb.unimelb.edu.au/CampusMaps/Parkville_P.pdf
See you there.
Tim Dolby
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