Hi all,
I would like to support Michael's comments on the Eden Pelagic.
Last May we had 26 species seen from the boat between leaving the dock and
returning and the quality was there too with Light-mantled Sooty Albatross
and heaps of Pterodroma petrels, prions, diving petrel and storm petrels and
most of the albatross that Michael lists. Sadly we did not see a Black
Petrel but we did have a Wandering Albatross and lots of Shearwaters and a
White-fronted Tern.
The boat is good too and is mainly used for fishing and whale watching,
speaking of which, last May when I was last on the birdwatching trip we had
Humpback whales bubblefeeding beside us and a pod of about a 8 killer whales
beside, under and around the boat as well as a pod of many hundred dolphins.
No, I am not associated with the boat in anyway but I do hope to do at least
two of this years trips, including May. Oh, and I should mention that the
boat is big and comfortable with plenty of space to get out of the way of
any wet weather. Birding can be done from either the back deck or up on the
covered top deck.
It is a great trip and would be very sad if it disappeared.
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