One spot has become available on Ross Silcock’s 2009 trip to the Chatham
Islands, 800 km north-east of New Zealand. The trip is done on a cost
recovery basis so the more people who go (maximum 8), the lower the cost for
all participants. The price is anticipated to be no more than the $US1850
that it was in 2007, depending on the exchange rate later this year. I have
to indicate a vested interest in the price as I will be going again on his
trip, hoping to get the three species that I missed in 2007. To whet your
appetite, some of the species recorded in 2007 were (using New Zealand
taxonomy): Blue Penguin (Chatham subspecies), Northern Royal Albatross,
White-capped Albatross, Salvin’s Albatross, Chatham Albatross, Pacific
Albatross, Chatham Petrel, Magenta Petrel, Pitt Island Shag, Weka, Chatham
Island Oystercatcher, Shore Plover, Brown Skua, White-fronted Tern, Chatham
Island Pigeon, Red-crowned Parakeet, Forbes Parakeet, Chatham Island
Gerygone and Chatham Island Pipit. Quite a few of these birds are found
nowhere else in the world and the Chatham Islands are the only place where a
number of them breed. This year we are hoping to see the Black Robin and
Chatham Island Snipe as well as the Magenta and Chatham Petrels again.
Further details can be found at and
Ross’s email is
Tania Ireton
Mentone, Victoria
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