Oh Carl,
I reckon nature isn't coming to anything. Those behaviours have no doubt
been around a very long time. Whoever thought that the natural world was
pure? Maybe you are learning that people aren't as freaky - ("deviant
perversions" as you say), as you thought.
Philip Veerman
24 Castley Circuit
Kambah ACT 2902
02 - 62314041
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Carl Clifford
Sent: Thursday, 12 March 2009 9:17 PM
To: Birding-Aus Aus
Subject: My illusions are shattered
Dear All,
I was brought up to believe that the natural world was pure and ,
well, natural, not at all affected by such deviant perversions that
H.sapiens was prone to. My illusions have been been completely
shattered this week. First homosexuality among many species, then
homosexual misgegenation in birds, then tonight on Catalyst, on the
ABC of all places, I discover that Adelie Penguins indulge in
prostitution. Apparently some female Adelies exchange their favours
for stones from strange males, so as to enhance their nest.
What is nature coming to? And then I find out about Bonobos! Oh dear.
Carl Clifford
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