I've found that I have to be very close to see the striations on a Little
Grassbird well, and haven't seen it very often despite seeing them almost
daily. It's certainly not as obvious as the picture in Pizzey and Knight. I
can't remember if I've seen them cock their tails. They would be a very likely
bird to see there.
Peter Shute
wrote on Friday, 20 February 2009 12:38 PM:
> Hi all, I just returned from a trip to Melbourne ( and many
> great thanks to all who responded to my RFI ). On the last
> day I took a walk along Moonie Ponds near the airport and saw
> a bird that has so far eluded my attempts to classify it. It
> was among some dense reeds on a small pond and disappeared
> down into the reeds rather than flying out and away in the
> way the Superb FWs in the reeds did. It was small and very
> similar to a FW in form even down to the cocked tail. On the
> other hand it had a striped back and a short tail. Given this
> I would like to say Striated Fieldwren or perhaps Little
> Grassbird. Against this I could see no striations on the
> breast. Although it never held itself in such a way that I
> could view it's breast well I was actively searching for that
> very feature and I think I should have noticed some. So this
> made me think of a very plain coloured GH Cisticola but the
> cocked tail for me speaks against this. Not being at all
> familiar with Melbourne (or SFWs & LGBs either) and what are
> likely habitats for these species around Melbourne I can't
> make "balance of probability" argument to sort these out or
> even rule out a juv Southern Emu Wren, another species that I
> am entirely unfamiliar with. I won't be counting any
> conclusion as a tick but I would love to feel I have some
> closure. It is hard for me to see a bird quite well and yet
> still not be able to nail the ID.
> Cheers Tony
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