Hi all
after my 1st visit to this site in late December (reported 28 December) I
had another visit this morning. This time I confined myself to the track
that runs from McRae Place and which loops round to where it comes out on
Burns Road opposite Glendale Road (as I didn't cover that bit in December),
plus I went a little way down the main track. Between 6:25 and 8am I saw or
heard 39 species, highlights being:
- 1 Powerful Owl, roosting in the trees above the creek (directly above
the creek, so no whitewash!) not far from McRae Place. My 28 Dec note
reckoned that some of the creek side vegetation looked good for POs, so I
wanted to go back and check out several sites where I reckoned I could get a
good look into the canopy. The owl was not sitting on a prey item
- 2 Brown Cuckoo Doves, plus several calling
- 1 Wonga Pigeon, seen not too far from Burns Road
- a Superb Lyrebird calling, with a good variety of noises, from a deep
part of the creek bed when the track was a reasonable way above
- a possible Grey Goshawk (only a fleeting view but looked far too pale
for a Brown)
- King Parrots bathing in the dew on the leaves high up in a eucalypt
- a Striated Thornbill so close that it was inside the focus limit of my
Lots of Brown Gerygones, 5 very active Rufous Fantails and loads of Grey
Goshawk Alarms, otherwise known as Sulphur Crested Cockatoos!
Tom Wilson
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