I couldn't get into the photos website. Is there somewhere else they can be
posted so that I can have a look?
Or could Graham please send them direct to me?
Many thanks
Tim> From: > To: ;
; > Subject: RE: [SPAM] RE:
[Birding-Aus] Re: Graham Buchan's mid-size gull> Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009
22:59:38 +1100> > Bob and Tony,> > I was not having a go at BARC. It is a
crucially important body which> requires a very high standard of proof similar
to a criminal court. This is> appropriate. I would not accept my own
observations as sufficient evidence> so why would BARC? If such observations
even got to BARC let alone got> Accepted, the credibility of accepted sightings
of rarities would diminish. > > It's not a tick for me as I've still got a
reasonable doubt as to this> bird's identification. Let's hope it gets picked
up tomorrow.> > Does anyone have any details as to the behaviour and jizz of
Black-Tailed> Gulls - my HANZAB is in storage (buried under 1 tonne of unused
wedding> presents and children's detritus).> > Cheers,> > Graham> >
-----Original Message-----> From: >
On Behalf Of Bob Cook> Sent:
Saturday, 31 January 2009 10:42 PM> To: 'Tony Ashton';
> Subject: [SPAM] RE: [Birding-Aus] Re: Graham
Buchan's mid-size gull> > Tony> > I surmise that you are referring to perhaps
"strict" criteria placed by BARC> on acceptance of rare sightings. My comments
are based on this premise.> > I believe Graham has taken the absolutely perfect
approach here. He has> reported the sighting, with extensive descriptive detail
and possibilities> that could fit. He has asked others to keep an eye out for
this bird,> hoping that someone may get further/better views and/or photos and
he has> given quite valid reasons for why he will not make a submission to
BARC,> > There have been previous discussions on the subject of BARC acceptance
/> rejection and also on delays in consideration of submissions. I believe>
these have been well answered by representative(s) of BARC and I find those>
explanations quite correct and reasonable. It is difficult to get a> submission
accepted and rightly so - without diligent and convincing> consideration, the
risk is that many unsure, and sometimes incorrect> sightings could end up being
"officially" recorded as a permanent record,> thus devaluing and bringing into
question the formal records of sightings. > > While this may result in genuine
sightings not being recognized, that is a> far better outcome than the other. >
> The work done by BARC is voluntary and done by people who are donating their>
own time (that otherwise could be used looking for their own rarities!)> Their
rules are strong and fair and we should be grateful for their efforts.> > What
anyone, Graham included, does with their own rare sighting is> completely up to
them. It can be made a personal "tick", a campfire> discussion topic, a purpose
for ongoing dedicated searching and, as in the> case here, publicized in the
hope that further sightings will be made.> > I see no problem.> > Bob Cook> > >
-----Original Message-----> From: >
On Behalf Of Tony Ashton> Sent:
Saturday, 31 January 2009 7:54 PM> To: > Subject: Re:
Graham Buchan's mid-size gull> > Hi all,> > I cannot even define the problem,
let alone offer a fix, but the tone of> Graham Buchan's report suggests there's
something about Australian birding> that would benefit from a wide airing of
views and some balanced discussion.> > What think others?> > Cheers, Tony
Ashton (Tyto Tony) > ==========www.birding-aus.org> birding-aus.blogspot.com> >
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