Thanks for that report Keith.
A couple of us were still searching at Palm Cove until Friday
afternoon. I had seen the gull at Palm Cove earlier in the week but we
found it again with some Silver Gulls on the Cairns esplanade this
morning ( Sat) around 8.45 after walking the whole esplanade twice ( in
pouring rain) before it turned up about 400 m from the northern end. Bob
Sothman got some good pictures which can ( with his permission) be made
available during next week. The tide was quite high so the gulls were
close in to the walkway and there was no need for binos.
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Kingfisher Park
Birdwatchers Lodge
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 6:53 PM
To: Birding Aus
Subject: Laughing Gull in Cairns
Hi Folks,
The Laughing Gull has re-located to the Cairns Esplanade this week and
was still there this afternoon (30/1/09) when we looked at 2.30, it was
with a group of Silver Gulls. Plenty of Grey-tailed Tattler, Lesser and
Greater Sandplover, Curlew Sandpiper, Great Knot, Whimbrel, Bar-tailed
Godwit, a Grey phase Reef Egret, Striated Heron, Little Egret, Little
Tern (6), Gull-billed Tern, Crested Tern and a pair of Pied
Oystercatchers. A bonus on the way home was a white phase Grey Goshawk
swooping down over the highway near Yule Point (south of Port Douglas).
It landed beside the road and gave us good looks as we drove past, not a
common sight in these parts of Far North Queensland.
Keith & Lindsay.
Keith and Lindsay Fisher
RN 6 Mt. Kooyong Road
Julatten QLD 4871
Ph : (07) 4094 1263
Fax : (07) 4094 1466
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