Thanks for the detailed and interesting trip reports Max. Will make
useful material for others to access in the archives.
In response to your query regarding Brown Gerygone's in Victoria. Data in
the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife (AVW) has the southern most record of the
species from north of Toora in South Gippsland. This is more than 60 km
north of Lilly Pilly Gully on Wilsons Promontory.
As far as I'm aware the Brown Gerygone's haven't been recorded by other
birdos on the Prom but I have tried to document an apparent range
extension of the species west of its known range (mainly Sale east) in
Victoria. If you have any images or other habitat details this would be
great. I encourage you to submit details to the AVW.
As you may know Brown Gerygone's are the only Victorian species dependent
on Lilly Pilly- Kanooka rainforest gullies although a few birds have also
been reported from upland rainforests dominated by Sassafras on the
Errinundra Plateau (Emison et al 1987). Lilly Pilly but no Kanooka occurs
on the Prom.
It's an unusual but not impossible record alright.
cheers, Martin
Martin O'Brien
Wildlife Biologist - Threatened Species & Communities Section
Department of Sustainability and Environment
2/8 Nicholson St.,
East Melbourne 3002
9637 9869
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