Hi John,
Milburn and I had the same thing on Saturday at Bibaringa, where we found a
very young Peaceful Dove and were very surprised by its small size. Should
check the aviculture references, there should be info in there.
> Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:27:08 +1100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] juvenile Crested Pigeon
> I saw a juvenile Crested Pigeon today near home in the Canberra suburbs.
> It couldn't fly, but it was walking vigiously behind a parent, begging
> and being fed. What struck me as odd, however, was how small it was,
> it seemed to be only about half the size of the parent. I had in the
> back of my mind the idea that fledgelings were usually the size of
> their parents before they left the nest (I suppose this one could have
> fallen out early).
> Is this right?
> --
> John Leonard
> Canberra
> Australia
> www.jleonard.net
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