I have a night-vision monocular also. I wouldn't consider it a serious tool
for night birding, but it is a bit of fun. To answer your questions:
- Birds and other animals are distinguishable from the surrounding foliage,
just. Bear in mind that everything is green (just like in the night-vision
effects in the movies). Bird and animal eyes do tend to glow, especially
when you consider the answer to the next question...
- The monocular includes an infra-red light. Switching this on makes a huge
difference. You would have to be careful with a separate and higher-powered
infra-red spotlight, because the night-vision devices are so sensitive that
any bright light (even "bright" infra-red) can cause permanent damage.
- Mine was around $US200. I think it's a Bushnell device. I bought it from a
seller in the US on eBay.
- Mine has 4x magnification.
Paul Dodd
Docklands, Melbourne
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Peter Shute
Sent: Wednesday, 23 July 2008 1:57 PM
To: ; David Adams; birding aus
Subject: Spotlighting thoughts and advice
Some questions about the monocular:
- do things like birds stand out against foliage, or is it just like
looking for them in daylight? Do their eyes glow at all?
- could it be enhanced by the use of an infrared spotlight?
- what sort of cost?
- what magnification?
Peter Shute
wrote on Wednesday, 23 July 2008 1:32
> David
> I recently bought a relatively cheap night vision monocular
> that I have successfully used to watch Tawny Frogmouths,
> spiders, wombats, possums, etc, and on a fairly well moonlit
> night, I was able to make out horses and alpacas up to 400
> metres away (and well before they detected my presence).
> It is not really suitable for spotting things while you are
> on the move so I normally find a good location and wait to
> see what turns up (until I run out of patience). The
> advantages of remaining still and not shining bright lights
> is that creatures come quite close and behave normally.
> I don't know whether a night vision device would suit your
> requirements but it may be worth considering.
> Regards
> David
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