Just for interest, Tony, how did it get at the Cockatiels?
Peter Shute
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Tony Eales
> Sent: Tuesday, 15 July 2008 8:22 AM
> To: BA Mailing List
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Collared Sparrowhawk in Virginia Brisbane
> Further to my previous post about the 1st year Collared
> Sparrowhawk in my backyard. Something I left out was that our
> pair of Cockatiels were attacked yesterday evening with one
> killed and the other horribly injured. The neighbour
> confirmed this morning that it was the CSH that did the deed.
> It was around again this morning and I watched it ambush a
> flock of Spotted Doves that always congregate in the other
> neighbours yard. While I'm saddened at the fate of our much
> loved pets I still can't feeling privileged to have this
> mega-cool bird as a regular visitor. It's not it's fault and
> I take the blame as we obviously didn't provide a suitable
> level of security for the animals we were responsible
> for.
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