Hi All,
I am by no means an expert, but Psittacine Beak and Feather disease
(PBFD) is very prevalent amongst cockatoos at the moment (in Canberra,
at least). I volunteer for the wildlife hospital at the RSPCA in
Weston, ACT and we have been receiving large numbers of Sulphur-
crested cockatoos in the advanced stages of the disease. Scruffy
feathers, "frilled" looking feather shafts, cracked and splitting
beaks are all signs of the disease. It is usually (in truth, always)
fatal in these circumstances.
I would like to echo Evan's and Michelle's emails and suggest caution
when dealing with birds (and in this case, parrots) that could be
sick. PBFD is extremely contagious and affected birds should be
isolated and, if possible, provided with veterinary care for proper
diagnosis. This is particularly important in areas that are inhabited
by rare species, such as Orange-bellied parrots and Swift parrots,
that are susceptible to the disease.
Others on the chatline may be able to add more to this...
Beth Mantle
H: 02 6287 7860
M: 0407 174 427
On 24/04/2008, at 11:53 AM, Evan Beaver wrote:
Hi Patricia,
What makes you say it looks very old? If it's missing feathers an
looking scruffy, maybe it's sick and not old?
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Patricia Welsh
<> wrote:
We have a long-billed Corella in our backyard who looks very old and
cannot fly.
What can we feed him? We have tried canary food, corn, etc, but he
wouldn't eat it and seemed to be content searching for onion weed
in the
backyard. I'm just worried that when that runs out, we won't have
anything else to feed him!?
We have an old aviary so housing isn't a problem, just giving him
adequate food!
Thanks, Patricia Welsh
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