I have tried to use the Howard & Moore site at http://birds-, but there does not appear to be anything much on
it. When the various menus are clicked, the results are either that
there is nothing on that page or a dialogue that says that one must
be registered to access the information. When one clicks on the
'Register' links one is told that the server can not be found or that
access is denied, depending on which 'Register" link is used! Is
access to this site by invitation only or are they just having a bad
hair day?
I was thinking of buying Howard and Moore, but my experience with the
H&M site has put me off. Interesting that the sites logo is a Dodo.
Carl Clifford
On 20/12/2007, at 8:16 PM, Richard Klim wrote:
I fully agree with your observations. Here is a comment I made in July
during a discussion of Clements 6th Edition on BirdForum's Taxonomy &
Nomenclature forum:
"At the risk of ruffling a few feathers, I question why Clements is
considered to be the checklist of choice by the ABA and so many other
birders. Although of similar size & weight, Dickinson (Howard & Moore)
(2003) is far more rigorous and contains significantly more information,
including a justification of the sequence of families adopted, author/
down to subspecies level, and almost 3000 specific bibliographical
references. By contrast, Clements provides absolutely no
justification for
its taxonomic stance and includes only a minimal introduction and a very
short (7 page) and unreferenced bibliography - the reader is simply
to take everything on trust.
Although I admit that I have obtained a copy of Clements 6th edition
out of curiosity), I look forward to the 4th edition of Howard & Moore
It is unfortunate that Dickinson is not updated between editions
(except for
the annual corrigenda issued on the web). But perhaps this will soon
change? See
Richard Klim
Somerset, UK