You wouldn't make it as a pedant Michael even if you wanted. Jabiru
isn't Portugese, its said to be a Tupi-Guarani bird name. Jacana has a
similar origin.
And Portuguese (/português do brasil/) is the beautiful language /via/
which many native American names travelled out of South America to the
rest of the world.
The truth of this is conveyed by the "proper" spelling of Jacana, where
the c is actually a ç (cedilha) and the final a is nasal - Jaçanã,
meaning the pronunciation is more like 'jasane' than the way we say it
with a hard c and a drawled second a - Ockerised as jakaarna.
Jabiru is actually the English spelling of Jaburu - Portuguese common
usage in Brazil.
The stork also has (to my ear) an even more lovely native American name
- tuiuiú - which might I'm guessing be onomatopoeic ...
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Lawrie Conole
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0419 588 993
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