Spring is certainly in full swing in the Hawkesbury area (approx 50 to 60km
NW of Sydney CBD) as witnessed at the following locations this morning and
the early afternoon:
MITCHELL PARK - a very brief stop yielded Wonga Pigeon several Common
Bronze-wings, White-throated Gerygones, Sacred Kingfisher etc
CATTAI NP - several Rainbow Bee-eaters, Common Bronze-wings, both
Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-cuckoos, Bar-shouldered Doves, Crested
Shrike-tit, Varied Sitellas, White-throated Gerygones, Striated Pardalotes
SCHEYVILLE NP - several White-bellied Cuckoo-shrikes (saw one light phase
and 2 dark-phase birds feeding low with Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes and heard
others), a great view of a Painted Button-quail on the ground, Peaceful
Doves, Jacky Winter, Pallid Cuckoo, Sacred Kingfisher, lots of Olive-backed
Orioles, Musk Lorikeets, Brown-headed Honeyeaters, Dusky Woodswallows etc.
WINDSOR-RICHMOND TURF FARMS - a brief drive through produced Rufous and
Brown Songlarks, Stubble Quail etc
BUSHELLS LAGOON, WILBERFORCE - this place was alive with birds with a pair
of Hobbies successfully catching dragonflies over and over again, a pair of
Wedge-tailed Eagles soaring low over the lagoon, 5 Great-crested Grebes
(including a pair doing a lengthy display), 8 Hoary-headed Grebe, a Pacific
Heron, a male Musk Duck, 400 plus Hardhead, 30 Australasian Shover, 10
Pink-eared Ducks, 1,000 Grey Teal, a Black-tailed Native-hen, Brown
Songlark, Red-kneed Dotterel, 80 Sharp-tailed and a single Marsh Sandpiper
Looks like its going to be a bumper spring in the Hawkesbury this season!
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