
NSW Hawkesbury area - 16th September 2007

To: <>
Subject: NSW Hawkesbury area - 16th September 2007
From: "Edwin Vella" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 19:14:55 +1000
Spring is certainly in full swing in the Hawkesbury area (approx 50 to 60km
NW of Sydney CBD) as witnessed at the following locations this morning and
the early afternoon:

MITCHELL PARK - a very brief stop yielded Wonga Pigeon several Common
Bronze-wings, White-throated Gerygones, Sacred Kingfisher etc

CATTAI NP - several Rainbow Bee-eaters, Common Bronze-wings, both
Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-cuckoos, Bar-shouldered Doves, Crested
Shrike-tit, Varied Sitellas, White-throated Gerygones, Striated Pardalotes

SCHEYVILLE NP - several White-bellied Cuckoo-shrikes (saw one light phase
and 2 dark-phase birds feeding low with Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes and heard
others), a great view of a Painted Button-quail on the ground, Peaceful
Doves, Jacky Winter, Pallid Cuckoo, Sacred Kingfisher, lots of Olive-backed
Orioles, Musk Lorikeets, Brown-headed Honeyeaters, Dusky Woodswallows etc.

WINDSOR-RICHMOND TURF FARMS - a brief drive through produced Rufous and
Brown Songlarks, Stubble Quail etc

BUSHELLS LAGOON, WILBERFORCE - this place was alive with birds with a pair
of Hobbies successfully catching dragonflies over and over again, a pair of
Wedge-tailed Eagles soaring low over the lagoon, 5 Great-crested Grebes
(including a pair doing a lengthy display), 8 Hoary-headed Grebe, a Pacific
Heron, a male Musk Duck, 400 plus Hardhead, 30 Australasian Shover, 10
Pink-eared Ducks, 1,000 Grey Teal, a Black-tailed Native-hen, Brown
Songlark, Red-kneed Dotterel, 80 Sharp-tailed and a single Marsh Sandpiper

Looks like its going to be a bumper spring in the Hawkesbury this season!


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