Big Birder would like you to fill in a Birding-Aus census form
[apologies to WWI recruitment poster aficionados].
If you are subscribed to Birding-Aus or just access the archives, then
you are invited to participate in the survey. I'm seeking
participation both from people who live in Australia and people who
live overseas, from people who don't post messages as well as people
who do, from bird lovers who subscribe for the bird chat as well as
twitchers hanging out for the latest sightings.
The survey involves a few questions about how you use Birding-Aus, some
geographical questions about you, some questions about you as a
birdwatcher and some about where you've been birding [both in Aus and
"overseas"]. It also provides a space for people to make comments
about Birding-Aus.
I will be sharing the data [sans identifying details] with Russell
Woodford [Birding-Aus list manager]. I will be providing a detailed
summary to all the birders who participate in the survey [you have to
be in it to read it]. Ultimately I am using the data to inform my
geographical investigations of birdwatchers, and which hopefully will
lead to the odd publication.
If you are willing to take part in the Birding-Aus census, please reply
directly to me ( ). Many thanks to the 70
birders who have already returned completed surveys and the others who
are in the process of completing them.
Regards, Laurie.
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