
Double-banded Plover

To: "Stuart, Alan AD" <>
Subject: Double-banded Plover
From: "Tom Tarrant" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 04:13:05 +1000
Hi Alan,

I've seen 200+ at Inskip Point (near Rainbow Beach) Qld in the past, there
were certainly that many there last year.


On 6/19/07, Stuart, Alan AD <> wrote:

Certainly that seems a good count of DBP.  In 2004, we had 180 of them
recorded in Fullerton Cove in the Hunter estuary (Newcastle NSW) on both
2 & 5 Jun, and 80-100 birds often in the remainder of the month and in
early Jul.  Those numbers are by far the greatest we've had locally in a
very long time.

-----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of Terry Dillon
Sent: Monday, 18 June 2007 4:55 PM
Subject: [Birding-Aus] Double-banded Plover

On Fri June 15 a flock of 170 Double-banded Plovers at a High Tide roost
on S Stradbrke Isalnd - Qld. We feel this is a large group for this
species although we did find a flock 30 at the same location om May 1st.
20-30% of the birds were showing the full double band.
Cannot  find any records for such a large congregation on the East
The sighting resulted from a new monthly Wader Monitoring project for S
Stradbroke Island. This is a joint project between Gold Coast CC and

Alicia Bell, Jason Searle and Terry Dillon.

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Tom & Marie Tarrant
Samsonvale, Qld

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