I'm putting together a list of rare-bird twitches that grew out of
postings on Birding-Aus in the last 12 months for a conference paper.
These are instances where a rare-birding sighting in Birding-Aus has
caused a chain reaction of twitchers travelling to that site to sight
the bird in question. [The GHL was the classic case in point. ]
What other birds should I add to the following list?
June 2006, Grey-headed Lapwing, Burren Junction
August 2006, Sabine’s Gull, Derby
Sept 2006 Antarctic Terns, Kangaroo Island
Oct 2006 Spotted Redshank, Broome
March 2007 Javan Pond Heron, Darwin
March 2007 Laughing Gull, Cairns
May 2007 Black-tailed Gull, Geraldton
May 2007 Red-legged Crake, Whim Ck
Regards, Laurie.
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