Hi all,
Musk Lorikeets are often observed in Echuca (northern Victoria) and Moama
(southern NSW). A group of us observed a group feeding in flowering bushes
and trees alongside the entrance to Rich River Golf Club (Moama) a few days
Echuca-Moama is about 100km north of Bendigo and a few hundred km
south-east of Mildura.
PS Enjoyed a sunny but cool morning birding in Terrick Terrick National
Park yesterday with a few others, two of whom are birding-aus contributors.
Birds observed included Hooded Robin, Brown Tree-creeper, Southern
Whiteface, Australian Ringneck, Varied Sittella, White-browed Babbler, a
variety of thornbills (Yellow, Chestnut-rumped and Yellow-rumped), Tree
Martin, Common Bronzewing, Jacky Winter, Dusky Woodswallow, Red-capped
Robin and Red-rumped Parrot. The surrounding paddocks are green again
following rains and local farmers are wearing big smiles.
Keith Stockwell.
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