Colin Judkins (CJ), Grant Penrhyn (GP) & I (MC) have just returned from a week
each on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island. This overlapped with
two tours involving 20 other birders led by Richard Baxter (see separate
Cocos (Keeling) Islands from 23 Feb to 2 Mar 2007 produced 35 species of which
5 were new for the atoll. Four were on South Island on 28 Feb these being
SAUNDERS'S TERNS (9) (when accepted by BARC also new for any Australian
territory, - more details in a separate report), Bar-tailed Godwit (2),
Red-necked Stint (3) & a Great Knot. The fifth was a Striated Heron seen by CJ
on Horsburgh Is. on 26 Feb. Other birds of note included Black Duck (6), Little
Pied Cormorant, Black-winged Stilt (Horsburgh), Grey Plover (3), Grey-tailed
Tattler (22) & Barn Swallow (3). The important introduced population of Green
Junglefowl remains abundant on West Island. White-breasted Waterhen are
reasonably common there now and are present and breeding on other islands.
Among the numerous usual grey and white phase Eastern Reef Egrets were several
strangely coloured Egrets that may be hybrids with Little Egret or more
probably Western Reef Egrets Egretta (garzetta) schistacea. A planned visit to
North Keeling was cancelled, as the surf was too high to allow a safe swim
Christmas Island from 2-9 Mar 2007 produced only 29 species, some 4 to 8 less
than on any of my four previous trips. This was partly due to inclement weather
induced by cyclone Jacob reducing the efficiency of our birding by some 50% and
photographic opportunities to an even greater extent with probably no
compensating rarities (that we found) blown in. All the endemics and residents
were seen but as usual the Christmas Island Goshawk (no longer a 'Brown
fasciatus Goshawk' incidentally) proved the most elusive. The once reasonably
conspicuous White-breasted Waterhen was seen only twice but feral cats were
often observed. Highlights included 2 ASIAN HOUSE MARTINS (well photographed by
GP) on 4 Mar at the airport, only the second record of Glossy Ibis for the
island on 7-8 Mar and an impressive 500+ Oriental Pratincoles soaring over the
plateau like a swarm of mosquitos or flock of swifts on 9 Mar. At one time, 310
were standing together on the runway (endangering aircraft according to the
airport manager). This was one day after cyclone George crossed the northern WA
coast and cyclone Jacob was situated some 200-300 km SE of Christmas Island.
Prior to this period the largest flock reported here was about 20 (David James
pers. comm.)We heard the SAVANNA NIGHTJAR, discovered by Richard Baxter at the
airport on 5 Mar, at that site on each of three visits on 6-7 Mar. Subsequent
attempts were thwarted by howling winds or/and torrential rain!
Mike Carter
30 Canadian Bay Road
Mount Eliza VIC 3930
Tel (03) 9787 7136
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