The Javan Pond-Heron is still present in Darwin (seen both yesterday
morning and afternoon). Park on Rapid Creek Road opposite the pub. Cross
Rapid Creek on a bicycle bridge. One hundred metres beyond bridge is
large paddock on left with small pond with several pandanus trees right
next to the bicycle path that connects thru to the university. The heron
is present most mornings and mid afternoons foraging in the pond area
with the pandanus (sometimes disturbed by dogs and cars and motorcycles
that like to burn around the paddock from about 430 pm onwards). In the
middle of the day it retires to the mangroves at Rapid Creek and is
cryptic. I was able to get some digiscope shots of it yesterday.
Congratulations to the discoverer Steven Reynolds and many thanks for
valuable assistance from Arthur and Sheryl Keats and Niven McCrie.
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