
Gull-billed Terns, Goolwa, SA

To: "Birding_Aus _Server" <>
Subject: Gull-billed Terns, Goolwa, SA
From: "Dean Cutten" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 05:01:01 -0600
AUS Birders

Today (13/12) I went over to the Goolwa Barrage/Beacon 19 Ramp area to work through the Pacific Golden Plovers which turned out a difficult task with the stiff NE breeze buffeting the scope. However, I did see 3 Gull-billed Terns (2 in full breeding and 1 in full non-Breeding plumage). The question I have is: Would the non-breeding GBT be of the Eastern Asian race 'affinis', ie. do they migrate to the southern coast of Australia? The 3 GBTs were in different locations so I could not compare sizes accurately although I got the impression the non-breeding one appeared to be of a smaller size .

Dean Cutten

Victor Harbor,  SA

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