Have just spent the week camping with the outlaws in a couple of spots in SE
SA (Robe and Salt Creek). As was a family trip (6 month old camping for the
first time successfully) only had scattered opportunities for bird watching,
but did see a few interesting things (full report later in the week when I
get back from Alkbury for work).
However, I have a couple of questions regarding a few species that a few
locals may be able to help me on (I haven't visited this part of the world
and I found the mix of species very interesting).
Fieldwrens - I saw a Striated Fieldwren at Little Dip CP, but also saw two
birds right behind the beach at Tea Tree Crossing (Coorong NP) and assumed
these were also Striated. HANZAB confirms there are records here (rarely)
but Schodde & Mason shows this is Rufous Fieldwren distribution. I am
assuming the latter is incorrect and I am staying with Striated, but does
anyone have any comments?
Neophemas - I chased a few Neophemas around Martin Washpool CP (east of Salt
Creek) without getting a successful look at one perched. I also had one fly
over at the nearby Messnet CP giving a strange call. I have listened to the
calls on the BOCA CD and neither Blue-winged or Elegant sounds right. My
guess is of Blue-winged (based on the amount of blue in the wing in flight),
but I have limited experience with either of thes species (though I hope to
see a few around Mildura over the next few years) but would appreciate any
comments on whether this ID is likely. The birds appeared much yellower
underneath of what I can recall of Blue-wings in Tassie, and Elegants in WA.
Purple-gaped Honeyeaters - I chased a small greenish-backed honeyeater a
number of times in both Messnet and Martin Washpool, but they were extremely
wary and couldn't get good looks. They appeared to be Purple-gaped from what
I could see in flight (definitely weren't Singing which were common
elsewhere) but again any comments appreciated.
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