2006 24 Hr National Twitchathon Results
See below the results of the 2006 National Twitchathon. Congratulations to the
Hunter Home Brewers on being the 2006 Australian Champions. What a fantastic
As you can see the results were very close, with the top positions being
seperated by only a few points. Equal 2nd was the Whacked-out Woodswallows
(last years national winners) and the Victorian winners, the Bush Turkeys. 3rd
was (unfortunately) my own team, the Seven Year Twitchers.
111 233 Hunter Home Brewers (Mick & Steve Roderick, G. Anderson, L.
Grenadier) (NSW)
109 228 Whacked-out Woodswallows (David Geering, Carol Probets, Clive
Meadows) (NSW)
109 213 Bush Turkeys (Sean Dooley, Peter Lansley, Paul Peake, Nevil Amos)
107 210 Seven Year Twitchers (Tim Dolby, Greg Oakley, Fiona Parkin) (VIC)
102 214 Dodgy Drongos (Grant Brosie, Nick Livanos, M. Kearns & R.
Macdonald) (NSW)
96 202 Hunter Thickheads (NSW)
93 182 Common Loudmouths (F. Mitchell, G. Hunt, P. Jackson, P. Kelly, R.
Thomson) (VIC)
91 190 Central Coast Champions (NSW)
90 189 Canberra's Crazy Capital Chooks (Canberra OG) (ACT)
90 188 Black-necked Stalkers (NSW)
87 183 Cheerful Drongos (NSW)
83 175 Grey Toilet Thrushes (NSW)
73 154 Eastern Whiplashes (NSW)
73 143 Muskalorikeets' (Ken Norris and family) (VIC)
73 142 Wooden Spoonbills (Noel, Lynne, Brenna, Asha Billing) (VIC)
Note: scores are calculated using the Modified Dolby System: team score equals
team total / state average of average past (10) winning scores x100. Note: NSW
& ACT 24 hr average over last 10 years equals 209.6; Victorian 24 hr average
over last 10 years equals 195.6. As yet, no results have yet been recieved by
other states.
As can be seen by the NSW thon reports from the Hunter Home Brewers,
Whacked-out Woodswallows and the Dodgy Drongos, birding doesn't get any better!
Thanks Alan Morris for coordinating a great NSW / ACT thon, and thanks to Fiona
Parkin for helping with the VIC thon. I'm interested to see how teams went in
other states, such as WA, Queensland, South Australia and the new comp in
Tasmania. Out of interest, the Northern Territory ran their thon in May, see:
In Victorian all sponsorship will be directed towards the Birds Australia -
Victoria Research Award, an award of excellence for ornithology research.
Tim Dolby
Birds Australia - Victoria Twitchathon Coordinator
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