A run down to the coast to drop our recyclables into the Killaloe waste
transfer station (half way between Port Douglas and Mossman FNQ) produced 2
Pied Herons and some dirty grey Australian not so white Ibis foraging in the
rubbish. Further North at Newell Beach there was no sign of the reported Barn
Swallows but there was a good collection of shorebirds, Great Knot, Lesser and
Greater Sandplover, Red-necked Stint, Bar-tailed Godwit, Crested Tern plus a
lone Lesser Crested Tern. A pair of Osprey were fishing with little success.
Overhead was a steady stream of Spangled Drongo heading south, in a half an
hour there was 150+.
The Greater Sandplover were interesting as some had noticibly larger bills than
others which were the same size and standing much taller than the Lesser
Sandplovers that were mixed in with them. An interesting afternoon on the coast.
PS: I hope the Painted Snipe reported from Hasties Swamp near Atherton FNQ over
the last few days are reported to the Birds Australia Painted Snipe survey.
Keith & Lindsay.
Keith & Lindsay Fisher
Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
RN 6 Mt. Kooyong Road
Julatten QLD 4871
Ph : (07) 4094 1263
Fax : (07) 4094 1466
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