For those out there that want the complete details of the SA Piping Shrike
please refer to the SAOA publication "Birds, Birders & Birdwatching 1899 -
1999. A Celebration of One Hundred Years of the South Australain
Ornithological Association (a 244 page book).
A Chapter entitled "The State Badge" Page 9. Written by the late Joan Paton
covers the full details of the naming. There is also a coloured plate facing
page 20 showing the SA state seal.
Hopfully, some of you may have access to this publication. However the last
paragraph of the article follows. Quote "I believe that the Lord Tennyson's
use of the name Piping-Shrike was a result of his preoccupation with the
protocol involved in the death of Queen Victoria, the proclamation of King
Edward VII for the arrival of the duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York -
his use of Piping-Shrike in the official acceptance of the state Badge was
just a once-off error" Unquote.
Trevor Cowie.
(Field Program Co-ordinator SAOA/Birds SA)
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