A brief trip report of last Saturday's (23/9/06) Birds Australia
boneseeding group trip to the You Yangs Regional Park west of Melbourne.
Ably lead by long time volunteer Merrilyn Serrong, our group gathered at
the carpark for our first bird census. This was followed by stops at
Gravel Pit Tor, the Ring Rd on the east side, Branding Yards Tk. and
finally the Birds Australia boneseed site with associated bird paddock at
the se corner.
Highlights were
- White-winged Choughs building a nest near the carpark
- Restless Flycatcher's brooding a nest on the edge of the Bird Paddock,
- at least one Painted Honeyeater heard calling from above dense wattle in
the BA boneseed area off the Ring Rd.
This is the first time we've recorded Painted Honeyeater's at the You
Yangs (and it appears to be a long time since they were last reported from
here according to the Atlas of Victorian Wildlife data).
We make a point of repeat visits to various sites so some seasonal bird
data can be gathered.
Am interested in whether other birdos have observed the species in the You
Yangs area in recent years.
Martin O'Brien
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