Hi all
My references have the White-backed race as G t leuconota, so what
reference use tyrannica as
I have seen it used before but can not locate a reference.
Cheers Chris
Just for the record, I spotted a White-backed
Magpie (race tyrannica) in Centennial Park, Sydney today. I've
had a couple in Sydney before, previously females. Today's bird was a male
- and in very fine feather too. His partner was your standard tibicen
and their offspring appeared to be the same (might this change after a moult,
revealing its hybrid nature, I wonder). If there's any interest, I can put
an image or two up or provide a mud map for those who are keen to observe
the bird.
Happy birding
Ricki Coughlan
Lyrebird Tours
ABN 50 515 608 903
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. birding courses . avian presentations