Little red Flying fox makes a very
birdlike call, but from the description the call sounds more like a juv
powerful owl. They should have mobile and vocal young about now.
However, it has been too many years since I've heard one to be able to
match your description to the call.
Have you heard any powerful owls
calling in your area? from your description of where you live I'm sure
they are nearby. A few quiet 'woo-hoo's on your part may answer the
question, but beware of low flying talons when you do.
Graham Turner
Original Message -----
Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:34 AM
RE: [BIRDING-AUS] Help with night caller ID
The crashing into foliage sounds
like it could be flying foxes. Is there blossom on those eucalypts?
Colin Driscoll
Sorry Bob, I can't help you directly, but your e-mail does raise a
point I've wondered about before. Can humans hear the echo-location
noises of bats?