
Birding Far North-East NSW

To: "Birding Aus" <>
Subject: Birding Far North-East NSW
From: "Kurtis Lindsay" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 23:24:54 +1100
Hi all,
From the 3rd to the 10th January went birding up in the Rainforest around Mullumbimby in the Byron Shire.
Saw many species during the duration of the trip in a few limited locations, as no stops were made on the train trip up there from Sydney.
Weather was warm,wet and humid most of the week.
Species seen on the property I was staying at which is approximately 100 acres of subtropical rainforest regrowth included
Wedgetailed Eagle
Pacific Baza
Brush Turkey
Masked lapwing
Pacific Black Duck
White-faced Heron
Dusky Moorhen
Brush Cuckoo
Channel Billed Cuckoo x 3 flying over the valley
Common Koel (seen once)
King parrot
Rainbow Lorikeet
Eastern Rosella
Scaly Breasted Lorikeet
Wonga Pigeon
Crested Pigeon
White-headed Pigeon
Rosecrowned Fruitdove
Emerald ground Dove
Bar Shouldered Dove-Courting pairs
Brown Cuckoo Dove
Sacred Kingfisher
Boobook (calling at night)
Welcome Swallow
Blackfaced Cuckooshrike
Varied triller
Eastern Yellow Robin
Rufous Shrike Thrush
Spectacled Monarch
White-eared Monarch-pair
Restless Flycatcher
Rufous Fantail
Eastern Whipbird
Superb Fairywren
Variegated Fairywren-nesting
White-browed Scrubwren
Largebilled Scrubwren
Brown Thornbill
White-throated Treecreeper
Noisy friarbird
Bluefaced Honeyeaters
Noisy Miner
Mistletoe Bird- multiple courting pairs due to high mistletoe presence
Redbrowed Finch-nesting
White-breasted Woodswallow
Pied Currawong
Pied Butcherbird
Torresian Crow
Brown Honeyeater,Brush Wattlebird-Byron Headland,Sacred & Strawnecked Ibis,Common Myna, Treemartin,Grey Butcherbird-Roadside,3 calling Eastern curlew,oriole-Brunswick heads
Reptiles and Amphibians seen included (Asian House Gecko-Brunswick),Carpet Python,Green Tree Snake,Yellowfaced Whipsnake,Carlia sp,Macquarie Turtle,(Byron headland-Egernia frerei,Ctenotus sp)
11 species of Frog- Litoria peronii,L.gracilenta,L.cerulea,L.fallax,L.latapalmata, L.lesuerii,L.chloris,L dentata, Psedophryne coriacea,Limnodynastes peronii,Bufo marinus.
Mammals- Swamp Wallaby,Fox,Northern Brown Bandicoot,Koala,Little Red Flying Fox,Mountain Brushtail Possum,Bush Rat.
Kurtis Lindsay
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