Hi All
Went to KI over the weekend and saw the following in no particular
order. Thanks very much to Eve Woolmore, Graham Pavey, Sean Dooley and
Mike Carter for their help.
Black Currawong 22 including a flock of 13 at Lavinia NR
California Quail 10 Dickers Road
Pied Cormorant 1 Lake Flannagan
Little Black Cormorant 1 Sea Elephant
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 1 Lake Flannagan
Double banded Plover 30 Lake Flannagan
Red-necked Stint 10 Lake Flannagan
Curlew Sandpiper 4 Lake Flannagan
Golden-headed Cisticola 20 Sea Elephant
Hooded Plover 2 British Admiral Beach
Black-browed Albatross 20 off Devils Gap
Shy Albatross 20 off Devils Gap
Yellow-nosed Albatross 2 off Devils Gap
Fairy Prion 1 off Devils Gap
Great Cormorant 1 Lake Flannagan
Blue-billed Duck 2 Lake north of Lake Flannagan
White-bellied Sea Eagle 2
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo 1 Forestry, 12 Naracoopa
Brown Falcon 1
Greenshank 5 Sea Elephant
Kelp Gull 1 tip
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo 6 Forestry
Three-lined Skink 2 forestry
Echidna 1 Forestry
Pink Robin 2 Forestry
Fan-tailed Cuckoo 20
Greenfinch 20
Little Raven several flocks
Dr Phil Hansbro
Bacteriology Research Group Leader &
Senior Lecturer in Microbiology
Discipline of Immunology & Microbiology
The University of Newcastle &
Vaccines, Infection/Immunity, Viruses & Asthma
(VIVA), Hunter Medical research Institute
Ph: +61 2 4923 6819
Fax: +61 2 4923 6814
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