
Swift Parrots, BOCA trip Aug 20 (Vict.)

Subject: Swift Parrots, BOCA trip Aug 20 (Vict.)
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 09:43:11 +1000

Another successful Bird Observers Club (Victoria) trip on Saturday 20 August to the box-ironbark woodlands around Bailieston (just west of Nagambie, central Victoria).  The trip was ably lead by local naturalist Dr Colin Officer from Broadford.

Crested Bellbird (heard), Hooded Robin and Brown Treecreepers were amongst the threatened birds reported in the Coys Diggings area of Bailieston, while along Pontings Lane just south of Bailieston, the group recorded around 3 pairs of Swift Parrots.  The area has plenty of wattle in near full colour but little eucalypt flowering and the birds were detected initially by call.  Bailieston has had plenty of rain recently and the paddocks were littered with pools of water.

BOCA member Alan Flack will be forwarding the Swift Parrot details onto Birds Australia and the additional sightings will be added to the Atlas shortly.


Martin O'Brien
Threatened Species & Communities Section
Department of Sustainability and Environment
2/8 Nicholson St. (PO Box 500), East Melbourne  3002

Tel: 9637 9869
(prefixes: Interstate 03 International 613)

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  • Swift Parrots, BOCA trip Aug 20 (Vict.), Martin . O'Brien <=

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